Regulatory Information,AML, and other frequentlyasked questions.



Permitted Jurisdictions

August 9, 2024

EWG adheres to a restricted countries list that it will serve, at both the account onboarding level and receipt of incoming funds.

EWG accept onboarding applications from the locations listed below. Any application received from outside of our permitted jurisdictions list will be automatically rejected.

Åland Islands (ALA) Hong Kong (HKG) New Zealand (NZL)
Andorra (AND) Hungary (HUN) Norway (NOR)
Australia (AUS) Iceland (ISL) Oman (OMN)
Austria (AUT) India (IND) Philippines (PHL)
Belgium (BEL) Indonesia (IDN) Poland (POL)
Bulgaria (BGR) Ireland (IRL) Portugal (PRT)
Canada (CAN) Isle Of Man (IMN) Réunion (REU)
Cayman Islands (CYM) Israel (ISR) Romania (ROU)
Chile (CHL) Italy (ITA) Saint Martin(French part)(MAF)
China (CHN) Japan (JPN) Singapore (SGP)
Cook Islands (COK) Jersey (JEY) Slovakia (SVK)
Croatia (HRV) Latvia (LVA) Slovenia (SVN)
Cyprus (CYP) Liechtenstein (LIE) South Africa (ZAF)
Czech Republic (CZE) Lithuania (LTU) South Korea (KOR)
Denmark (DNK) Luxembourg (LUX) Spain (ESP)
Estonia (EST) Malaysia (MYS) Sri Lanka (LKA)
Faroe islands (FRO) Maldives (MDV) Svalbard and Mayen (SJM)
Finland (FIN) Malta (MLT) Sweden (SWE)
France (FRA) Martinique (MTQ) Switzerland (CHE)
French Guiana (GUF) Mauritius (MUS) Taiwan (TWN)
Germany (DEU) Mayotte (MYT) Thailand (THA)
Gibraltar (GIB) Monaco (MCO) Tonga (TON)
Greece (GRC) Mongolia (MNG) United Kingdom (GBR)
Greenland (GRC) Namibia (NAM) United States (USA)
Guadeloupe (GLP) Netherlands (NLD) Uruguay (URY)
Guernsey (GGY) New Caledonia (NCL) Vietnam (VNM)

EWG can receive funds from the locations listed below: Any funds received from outside of our permitted jurisdictions list will be rejected automatically by our transaction monitoring system and funds returned to sender. EWG can send payment to all locations apart from sanctioned locations.

Åland Islands (ALA) Georgia (GEO) Oman (OMN)
Algeria (DZA) Germany (DEU) Palau (PLW)
Andorra (AND) Gibraltar (GIB) Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Angola (AGO) Greece (GRC) Paraguay (PRY)
Anguilla (AIA) Greenland (GRC) Philippines (PHL)
_ Grenada (GRD) Pitcairn (PCN)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG) Guadeloupe (GLP) Poland (POL)
Argentina (ARG) Guernsey (GGY) Portugal (PRT)
Armenia (ARM) Guinea (GIN) Qatar (QAT)
Aruba (ABW) Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD) Republic of the Congo (COG)
Australia (AUS) Hong Kong (HKG) Réunion (REU)
Austria (AUT) Hungary (HUN) Romania (ROU)
Azerbaijan (AZE) Iceland (ISL) Rwanda (RWA)
Bahrain (BHR) India (IND) Saint Berthélemy (BLM)
Bangladesh (BGD) Indonesia (IDN) Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan (SHN)
Belgium (BEL) Ireland (IRL) Saint Martin (French part) (MAF)
Belize (BLZ) Isle Of Man (IMN) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Benin (BEN) Israel (ISR) San Marino (SMR)
Bermuda (BMU) Italy (ITA) São Tomé and Principe (STP)
Bhutan (BTN) Japan (JPN) Saudi Arabia (SAU)
Bolivia (BOL) Jersey (JEY) Serbia (SRB)
Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES) _ Seychelles (SYC)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH) Kenya (KEN) _
_ _ Sierra Leone (SLE)
Bouvet Island (BVT) Kiribati (KIR) Singapore (SGP)
Brazil (BRA) Kosovo (KOS) Slovakia (SVK)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT) Kuwait (KWT) Slovenia (SVN)
British Virgin Islands (VGB) Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Solomon Islands (SLB)
Brunei Darussalam (BRN) Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO) South Africa (ZAF)
Bulgaria (BGR) Latvia (LVA) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
Cameroon (CMR) Lesotho (LSO) South Korea (KOR)
Canada (CAN),excluding Quebec Liberia (LBR) Spain (ESP)
Cape Verde (CPV) Liechtenstein (LIE) Sri Lanka (LKA)
Cayman Islands (CYM) Lithuania (LTU) St Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
Chad (TCD) Luxembourg (LUX) St Lucia (LCA)
Chile (CHL) Macau (MAC) St Maarten (SXM)
China (CHN) Macedonia (MKD) St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Christmas Island (CXR) Madagascar (MDG) Suriname (SUR)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK) Malawi (MWI) Svalbard and Mayen (SJM)
Comoros (COM) Malaysia (MYS) Swaziland (SWZ)
Cook Islands (COK) Maldives (MDV) Sweden (SWE)
Costa Rica (CRI) Malta (MLT) Switzerland (CHE)
Côte D'Ivoire (CIV) Marshall Islands (MHL) Taiwan (TWN)
Croatia (HRV) Martinique (MTQ) Thailand (THA)
Curacao (CUW) Mauritania (MRT) Timor-Leste (TLS)
Cyprus (CYP) Mauritius (MUS) Togo (TGO)
Czech Republic (CZE) Mayotte (MYT) Tokelau (TKL)
Denmark (DNK) Micronesia (FSM) Tonga (TON)
Djibouti (DJI) Monaco (MCO) Tunisia (TUN)
Dominica (DMA) Mongolia (MNG) Turkey (TUR)
Ecuador (ECU) Montenegro (MNE) Turks and Caicos (TCA)
Egypt (EGY) Montserrat (MSR) Tuvalu (TUV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ) Namibia (NAM) United Arab Emirates (ARE)
Estonia (EST) Nauru (NRU) United Kingdom (GBR)
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FLK) Nepal (NPL) United States (USA)
Faroe islands (FRO) Netherlands (NLD) United States Minor Outlying Islands (UMI)
Fiji (FJJ) Netherlands Antilles (ANT) Uruguay (URY)
Finland (FIN) New Caledonia (NCL) Uzbekistan (UZB)
France (FRA) New Zealand (NZL) Vatican City State (VAT)
French Guiana (GUF) Niger (NER) Vietnam (VNM)
French Polynesia (PYF) Niue (NIU) Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
French Southern Territories (ATF) Norfolk Island (NFK) Zambia (ZMB)
Gabon (GAB) North Mariana Islands (MNP)
Gambia (GMB) Norway (NOR)
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